Mardi 12, KLIA épisode II

J'ai écris un petit truc dans l'avion il y a quelques heures donc je vous le colle ici.
ça va vous faire plaisir, vous allez pouvoir travailler votre anglais vous aussi (petit challenge à ceux qui veulent me corriger, ahahah !!!)

It's amazing how time goes quicker when travelling than when being at home : 2 months gone since the first message on this website

I'm in the MH122 flight, flying from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur, the 9th flight since my departure.
I will have the next 8 hours in this aircraft to cover the 6.840 kilometers between these 2 cities.

I really enjoyed my trip, I was thinking about going by myself with my backpack for so much time ...

I went in a lot of places, even probably too many in this laps of time but you know it - it's always the same - you have to make choices when you haven't enough time to visit such a big country.
No matter, I had good time and meet a lot of nice people.

Now it's time to go home !! Is it really a good idea ? I don't know but it seems that some people are asking for me and whatever I can't work in Australia so ...
It was good to have this trip by myself but after 2 months, things are not going better in my mind : what will I do after that ?
My choices a few months ago were right, I'm sure of that, so going home and going back in the same way as before would be an easy way but not the good one.

I'm leaving Australia just when my english is going better. A few days ago, I was surprised to understand such a lot of things when watching TV.
Continuing to improve my english will be a challenge for 2009, I really enjoy speaking (trying to speak ?) this langage (even if I'm a fucking big shit in english right now).

I bought a book yesterday to make time going faster in the aircraft, and because a little book in englsh couldn't be a bad thing for me.
This book is named "Sleeping Around" and is about a tour around the globe using couch surfing concept.
I knew this concept for a while, I even already sign on a website about it, but I never used it.
The concept is to get invitations for being the guest of other peoples when travelling.
First, I was thinking about this option for this trip but finally I didn't used it cause it involves to plan your trip and, like I'm always in life, I choose to be always "a l'arrache", deeciding one end afternoon to book a flight for the next morning etc.
Next time, sure I'll use this concept to travel in a different way, meeting local people and not only other travellers, and viewing things from a local point of view and not only with a Lonely Planet in the pocket.

In a few hours, I will be in Kuala Lumpur again. Unfortunately, time is missing so I can't make any stop here but I think Asia could be a good destination for my next travel, unless if I choose to meet some friends in USA or Canada ?

As you can see, there's a lot of things in my mind at the moment, thinking about this trip, about what to do in the next weeks and even about my next travel ...
The only last thing to finish, before having a look to my book : I really drunk a lot of beers the 2 last months but I didn't drink any pastaga so guys : be ready for Apéro time ;-)